Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Big Doofus

Ned Beatty is a tactless jerk.

Even if he's right (and for the record, I've not yet seen Cat, but he's right on about celebrity casting in general), why on earth would Beatty slam his co-stars while the show is still running? What possible purpose does that serve? What sort of performances are Judd and Patric going to give tonight after reading that their co-star gives them an "A" for effort, but thinks they don't have what it takes?

Director Anthony Page isn't much better. If he thought he could improve their performances, why didn't he take some time and do it? Hell, if he's got time to pick up the phone for an interview, he's got time to call Judd with suggestions.

Gentlemen, I hope you were both drunk. You should be ashamed.


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