Politicans as Math Problems
For example:
"The first sort of puzzle was made popular by the logician Raymond Smullyan and it concerns, if I may adapt it for my purposes here, a very unusual state, each of whose politicians either always tells the truth or always lies. One of these politicians is standing at a fork in the road and you wish to know which of the two roads leads to the state capital. The politician's public relations person will allow him to answer only one question, however. Not knowing which of the two types of politician he is, you try to phrase your question carefully to determine the correct road to take. What question should you ask him?"
The obvious answer is that I wouldn't get to ask a question, because I'd be beaten to it by Ted Koppel wondering if the politician was concerned about falling poll numbers.
For the actual answer and more problems, check out the article on ABCnews.com.
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