Monday, August 25, 2003

Here's a novel idea...

...and it comes from from Canada. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Why aren't more young adults attending the theater?

I quote: conventional theatre costs too much and means too little.

Amen, brother. As a mostly broke person who is not a student, and who is over twenty-five, I can state categorically that I would have my butt in a theater seat every night if a) I could afford it and b) I was reasonably certain that the show wasn't going to bore me to death. (Hell, at this point, I'm settling for "bad but interesting," otherwise known as a noble failure, i.e. Zanna, Don't! No, really, Zanna. DON'T.)

Broadway producers, I'm talking to you. I know Avenue Q is hip and all, but the $100 that my boyfriend and I will have to pony up to see it is a quarter of my weekly paycheck. In other words, I'm spending the grocery money on puppets. Even if it's the best show I've ever seen, I'll only be able to afford to see it the one time, and none of the folks I could recommend it to are likely to sacrifice their macaroni and cheese for art.


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